Sunday, 7 August 2011


I have managed to sneak in a couple of vintage crafting projects this weekend, and I plan to do a show and tell later in the week. Unfortunately I also have an awful migraine, which I suspect may be due to eye strain. I have an appointment for an eye exam on Tuesday hence the purchase of the vintage wing frame glasses (picture on last Thursdays post).
Anyway, since I haven't quite finished my projects due to a splitting head, here are some nice little video clips to tide you over.

When I read the online article about Ben, I thought he/and the house were amazing, and now I have seen the video, I still do, and his girlfriend looks lovely too. I was saddened to see some negative comments attached to the article, complaints about some of Ben's 'cheats' (washing machine etc). To that I would say, 'get over it folks' its their world they can do what they like in it, I certainly would. 
If anyone reading this knows Ben and Christina please tell them I am a fan.

(This is not the whole program because it is blocked by CH4, but you can see the whole thing on 4OD, should you wish).
I really enjoyed this short film when I first saw it a few years ago. I have discovered since then that some of the people in the film where very unhappy about the way they were portrayed. I don't think they come over as badly as they think, however having a big interest in the subject makes me slightly biased I suppose. 
I think it was very kind of the ladies and gentlemen to give us a small peek into their lives, even if some people don't comprehend that the participants are multifaceted, and there is naturally more to their lives than the contents of a half hour show.

Part 1

Part 2

I also saw this on TV a few years ago and I loved it. If they ever needed a new family to volunteer my hand would be waving a union jack wildly in the air.

I hope you have all had a relaxing Sunday.

Love From
The Vintage Housewife